Monthly Payment for all ages. Payment by session no longer available.
All Squads - Costs
Monthly Payment for all ages payable in advance by standing order.
(Please enquire about Standing Order details)
Payment by session only available for additional sessions on request.
From 1st January 2023
Club membership: £12 per annum
Swim England national and regional membership: See membership form for current fees
1 session per week: £24 per month
2 sessions per week: £45 per month
3 or more sessions per week:
8 yrs and under: £50 per month
9/10 yrs: £55 per month
11 yrs and above: £65 per month
Maximum fee per family is £125 per month
There is a concession for single or unemployed parents and parents with more than 2 children on unlimited swims if this relates to you please contact Terry Brindley (see below).)
If you have any issues with payment, please contact Terry Brindley on terrybrindley@btinternet.com.
Please, please make sure you include your child's name (and if possible, the reason for payment) when setting up standing order.
Open Meet Payments
Swimmers will be invoiced before Open Meets for payments.
Please be advised if payment for open meets is not paid in a timely fashion then your child will not be entered into any other meets until payment is up to date.
Thanks for your help in this matter.